Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm awake ....maybe.

Today is a diet coke day if ever there was one. I was late to the gym this morning, late taking a shower because I came home and collapsed on my bed. I was late leaving home and late getting to work. All of this lateness is my own fault because I just HAD to stay up late and watch Law and Order: SVU. Was the world going to end if I didn't watch it? No, it's all because I saw the teaser they showed while I was watching Fringe or Biggest Loser or something and it showed Elliot getting shot! I love me some Elliot so of course after watching that I was afraid that maybe he was going to die or something and stayed up WAY past my bedtime of 9:00. Thus the cycle of lateness began. Have I learned my lesson? No, because getting my Elliot fix was worth it. You rock Stabler! You can arrest me anytime. :)


Annette Anthony said...

OOH Now the truth comes out! I do that all the time! Anywhoo it will still get you ready for the staying up late thing!
BTW TAG-your it.SEE my Nov 19th POST for the details!

Jillene said...

Uuuummmm....Elliot Stabler can arrent me anytime too!! How bout him with no shirt last night!? HELLO!! I was glad I stayed up past my bed time!!

Alexandria said...

Net: I plead the fifth! My back really didn't feel that great so that was all true and it was good pratice for when I'm working my second job so it wasn't too far off the mark. I promise. But the real reason was for SVU!

Jillene: Oh my goodness! Hubba Hubba is all I can say about that. He has great arms and shoulders. I'm all about that.

Cassie said...

Cute cute Zandy! How pleased I was to see you had a blog which I can now read and think... "Zandy is so cute."

PS- Ray Lamontagne is just pure delicious.